madrigal.isprint module is a module that creates new output files based on an input file and lists of parameters and filters.
$Id: 6588 2018-09-28 18:10:45Z brideout $
""" is a module that creates new output files based on an input file and lists of parameters and filters. $Id: 6588 2018-09-28 18:10:45Z brideout $ """ # standard python imports import os, os.path, sys import datetime import math import tempfile import shlex import shutil import random import subprocess # Madrigal imports import madrigal.cedar import madrigal.derivation import madrigal._derive # public methods def isRequest1D(existingFile, desiredParmList): """isRequest1D returns True if desiredParmList parms do not contain any measured or derivable 2D parms """ non1DSet = madrigal.derivation.getUnderivableParms(existingFile.get1DParms(), desiredParmList) if len(non1DSet) == 0: return(True) # may also be True if all in non1DSet underivable underivableSet = madrigal.derivation.getUnderivableParms(existingFile.get1DParms() + existingFile.get2DParms(), desiredParmList) if len(non1DSet) == len(underivableSet): return(True) else: return(False) class Isprint: def __init__(self, orgFilename, output, desiredParmList, filterList, indSpatialParms=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None, ignoreEmptyFile=True): """ Takes the input Cedar Hdf5 file and writes modified version Inputs: orgFilename - full path to original Cedar Hdf5 file output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects indSpatialParms - a list of lower case mnemonics to use as independent spatial parameters. If None (the default), use independent spatial parameters from original file. (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. (The following argument is ignored if ascii format) ignoreEmptyFile - if False, raise IOError when trying to create an Hdf5 or netCDF4 file with no records. If True (the default), then simply create 0 byte file. Ignored if output not hdf5 or netCDF4 """ self._numRec = 1000 # sets the number of records to load from the file at once. RAM/speed tradeoff # if orgFilename more than 2 MB in size, uncompress it first to speed things up if os.path.getsize(orgFilename) > 2E6: is_tmp = True orgFilename = self._getTempUncompressed(orgFilename) else: is_tmp = False startDT, endDT = self._getStartEndTimes(filterList) maxRecno = self._getMaxRecno(filterList) # sets a value only if recno used as a filter and max value given totalRecsLoaded = self._numRec if output is not None: fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(output) if fileExtension.lower() in ('.hdf5', '.h5', '.hdf'): format = 'hdf5' tmpOutput = output elif fileExtension.lower() in ('.nc'): format = 'netCDF4' tmpOutput = fileName + '.hdf5' else: format = 'text' tmpOutput = None else: format = 'text' tmpOutput = None # this can fail if time filters too restrictive try: existingFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(orgFilename, startDatetime=startDT, endDatetime=endDT, maxRecords=self._numRec) except ValueError: if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters selected\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters - unable to create file' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() return # make sure some records loaded found = False try: oneD = existingFile.get1DParms() found = True except ValueError: while(True): result = existingFile.loadNextRecords(numRecords=self._numRec) if result[0] > 0: found = True break if result[1]: break if not found: # no records with time restriction if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters selected\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters - unable to create file' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() return # see if we need to extract any indSpatialParms or arraySplitParms from file if format in ('hdf5', 'netCDF4'): # check is this a one-D request is1D = isRequest1D(existingFile, desiredParmList) if not is1D: if indSpatialParms is None: indSpatialParms = existingFile.getIndSpatialParms() arraySplitParms = existingFile.getArraySplitParms() for parm in indSpatialParms + arraySplitParms: if parm.lower() not in desiredParmList: desiredParmList.append(parm.lower()) else: indSpatialParms = None arraySplitParms = None else: # not relevant to text files indSpatialParms = None arraySplitParms = None numRec = self._numRec madDevObj = madrigal.derivation.MadrigalDerivation(existingFile, desiredParmList, filterList, fullFilename=tmpOutput, indParms=indSpatialParms, arraySplitParms=arraySplitParms) if len(madDevObj._madDerivationPlan.underivableFilterList) > 0: if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters above\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return newFile = madDevObj.getNewCedarFile() isFirstWrite = True shouldBreak = False while (True): # output newFile in text or hdf5 if format == 'text': newFile.writeText(newFilename=output, missing=missing, assumed=assumed, knownbad=knownbad, filterList=filterList, summary=summary, showHeaders=showHeaders, selectParms=desiredParmList, append=True, firstWrite=isFirstWrite) # no need for another summary isFirstWrite = False else: newFile.dump() if shouldBreak: break numRec, isComplete = madDevObj.loadRecords(self._numRec) totalRecsLoaded += numRec if not maxRecno is None: if totalRecsLoaded > maxRecno: break if isComplete: shouldBreak = True if madDevObj.getNumRecsAccepted() == 0: if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters above\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return # if ascii, done if format == 'text': if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return else: newFile.close() # create Hdf5 array layout if needed if format == 'netCDF4': # convert from Hdf5 to netCDF4 madrigal.cedar.convertToNetCDF4(tmpOutput, output) os.remove(tmpOutput) if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) def _getStartEndTimes(self, filterList): """_getStartEndTimes is a private method that returns a tuple of (startDatetime, endDatetime) based on any ut1 or ut1_unix filters found in filterList. Implemented to speed up loading large files for only a subset of data. Returns (None, None) if no ut1 or ut1_unix filters Inputs - filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects Returns: tuple of (startDatetime, endDatetime) based on any ut1 filters found in filterList. Implemented to speed up loading large files for only a subset of data. Returns (None, None) if no ut1 or ut1_unix filters """ if len(filterList) == 0: return((None, None)) startDT = None endDT = None for filt in filterList: if filt.mnemonic1 == 'ut1' and filt.mnemonic2 is None: if len(filt.rangeList) == 1: if not filt.rangeList[0][0] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][0]): if startDT is None: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] elif startDT < filt.rangeList[0][0]: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] if not filt.rangeList[0][1] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][1]): if endDT is None: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] elif endDT > filt.rangeList[0][1]: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] if not startDT is None: dtList = madrigal._derive.getDateFromUt(startDT)[0:6] startDT = datetime.datetime(*dtList) if not endDT is None: dtList = madrigal._derive.getDateFromUt(endDT)[0:6] endDT = datetime.datetime(*dtList) return((startDT, endDT)) elif filt.mnemonic1 == 'ut1_unix' and filt.mnemonic2 is None: if len(filt.rangeList) == 1: if not filt.rangeList[0][0] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][0]): if startDT is None: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] elif startDT < filt.rangeList[0][0]: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] if not filt.rangeList[0][1] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][1]): if endDT is None: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] elif endDT > filt.rangeList[0][1]: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] if not startDT is None: startDT = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(startDT) if not endDT is None: endDT = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(endDT) return((startDT, endDT)) return((None, None)) def _getMaxRecno(self, filterList): """_getMaxRecno is a private method that returns a the max recno if recno used as a filter. Implemented to speed up loading large files for only a subset of data. Returns None if no recno filter Inputs - filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects Returns: maxRecno, or None if no recno filter """ if len(filterList) == 0: return(None) maxRecno = None for filt in filterList: if filt.mnemonic1 == 'recno' and filt.mnemonic2 is None: if len(filt.rangeList) == 1: if not filt.rangeList[0][1] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][1]): maxRecno = int(filt.rangeList[0][1]) return(maxRecno) def _getTempUncompressed(self, orgFilename): """_getTempUncompressed returns the full path to a temp version of the orgFilename where the Table Layout has been compressed. If h5repack fails, simply copies intact version to temp name """ tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir() tempFile = os.path.join(tempDir, '%i_%s' % (random.randint(0,1000000), os.path.basename(orgFilename))) cmd = 'h5repack -f Data/Table\ Layout:GZIP=0 %s %s' % (orgFilename, tempFile) try: subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(cmd)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: shutil.copy(orgFilename, tempFile) return(tempFile) class MadCalculatorGrid: """MadCalculatorGrid is the class that runs the Madrigal derivation engine when there is no pre-existing file Called grid because it calculates points at each unique combination of input latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes. That is, number of points = len(latList) x len(lonList) x len(altList) """ def __init__(self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None): """__init__ runs the madCalculatorGrid engine and creates destFile without existing input file. Inputs: output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be (length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList). (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. """ # tmpFile used as input file tmpFile = madrigal.derivation.createBaseMadrigalFileGrid(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict, twoDParmDict) Isprint(tmpFile, output, desiredParmList, [], None, summary, showHeaders, missing, assumed, knownbad) try: os.remove(tmpFile) except: pass class MadCalculatorList: """MadCalculatorList is a second class that runs the Madrigal derivation engine when there is no pre-existing file Called list because it calculates points at zip(latList, lonList, altList) That is, number of points = len(latList) """ def __init__(self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None): """__init__ runs the madCalculatorList engine and creates destFile without existing input file. Inputs: output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape (len(dtList), len(latList)) (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. """ # tmpFile used as input file tmpFile = madrigal.derivation.createBaseMadrigalFileList(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict, twoDParmDict) Isprint(tmpFile, output, desiredParmList, [], None, summary, showHeaders, missing, assumed, knownbad) try: os.remove(tmpFile) except: pass
def isRequest1D(
existingFile, desiredParmList)
isRequest1D returns True if desiredParmList parms do not contain any measured or derivable 2D parms
def isRequest1D(existingFile, desiredParmList): """isRequest1D returns True if desiredParmList parms do not contain any measured or derivable 2D parms """ non1DSet = madrigal.derivation.getUnderivableParms(existingFile.get1DParms(), desiredParmList) if len(non1DSet) == 0: return(True) # may also be True if all in non1DSet underivable underivableSet = madrigal.derivation.getUnderivableParms(existingFile.get1DParms() + existingFile.get2DParms(), desiredParmList) if len(non1DSet) == len(underivableSet): return(True) else: return(False)
class Isprint
class Isprint: def __init__(self, orgFilename, output, desiredParmList, filterList, indSpatialParms=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None, ignoreEmptyFile=True): """ Takes the input Cedar Hdf5 file and writes modified version Inputs: orgFilename - full path to original Cedar Hdf5 file output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects indSpatialParms - a list of lower case mnemonics to use as independent spatial parameters. If None (the default), use independent spatial parameters from original file. (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. (The following argument is ignored if ascii format) ignoreEmptyFile - if False, raise IOError when trying to create an Hdf5 or netCDF4 file with no records. If True (the default), then simply create 0 byte file. Ignored if output not hdf5 or netCDF4 """ self._numRec = 1000 # sets the number of records to load from the file at once. RAM/speed tradeoff # if orgFilename more than 2 MB in size, uncompress it first to speed things up if os.path.getsize(orgFilename) > 2E6: is_tmp = True orgFilename = self._getTempUncompressed(orgFilename) else: is_tmp = False startDT, endDT = self._getStartEndTimes(filterList) maxRecno = self._getMaxRecno(filterList) # sets a value only if recno used as a filter and max value given totalRecsLoaded = self._numRec if output is not None: fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(output) if fileExtension.lower() in ('.hdf5', '.h5', '.hdf'): format = 'hdf5' tmpOutput = output elif fileExtension.lower() in ('.nc'): format = 'netCDF4' tmpOutput = fileName + '.hdf5' else: format = 'text' tmpOutput = None else: format = 'text' tmpOutput = None # this can fail if time filters too restrictive try: existingFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(orgFilename, startDatetime=startDT, endDatetime=endDT, maxRecords=self._numRec) except ValueError: if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters selected\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters - unable to create file' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() return # make sure some records loaded found = False try: oneD = existingFile.get1DParms() found = True except ValueError: while(True): result = existingFile.loadNextRecords(numRecords=self._numRec) if result[0] > 0: found = True break if result[1]: break if not found: # no records with time restriction if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters selected\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters - unable to create file' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() return # see if we need to extract any indSpatialParms or arraySplitParms from file if format in ('hdf5', 'netCDF4'): # check is this a one-D request is1D = isRequest1D(existingFile, desiredParmList) if not is1D: if indSpatialParms is None: indSpatialParms = existingFile.getIndSpatialParms() arraySplitParms = existingFile.getArraySplitParms() for parm in indSpatialParms + arraySplitParms: if parm.lower() not in desiredParmList: desiredParmList.append(parm.lower()) else: indSpatialParms = None arraySplitParms = None else: # not relevant to text files indSpatialParms = None arraySplitParms = None numRec = self._numRec madDevObj = madrigal.derivation.MadrigalDerivation(existingFile, desiredParmList, filterList, fullFilename=tmpOutput, indParms=indSpatialParms, arraySplitParms=arraySplitParms) if len(madDevObj._madDerivationPlan.underivableFilterList) > 0: if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters above\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return newFile = madDevObj.getNewCedarFile() isFirstWrite = True shouldBreak = False while (True): # output newFile in text or hdf5 if format == 'text': newFile.writeText(newFilename=output, missing=missing, assumed=assumed, knownbad=knownbad, filterList=filterList, summary=summary, showHeaders=showHeaders, selectParms=desiredParmList, append=True, firstWrite=isFirstWrite) # no need for another summary isFirstWrite = False else: newFile.dump() if shouldBreak: break numRec, isComplete = madDevObj.loadRecords(self._numRec) totalRecsLoaded += numRec if not maxRecno is None: if totalRecsLoaded > maxRecno: break if isComplete: shouldBreak = True if madDevObj.getNumRecsAccepted() == 0: if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters above\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return # if ascii, done if format == 'text': if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return else: newFile.close() # create Hdf5 array layout if needed if format == 'netCDF4': # convert from Hdf5 to netCDF4 madrigal.cedar.convertToNetCDF4(tmpOutput, output) os.remove(tmpOutput) if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) def _getStartEndTimes(self, filterList): """_getStartEndTimes is a private method that returns a tuple of (startDatetime, endDatetime) based on any ut1 or ut1_unix filters found in filterList. Implemented to speed up loading large files for only a subset of data. Returns (None, None) if no ut1 or ut1_unix filters Inputs - filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects Returns: tuple of (startDatetime, endDatetime) based on any ut1 filters found in filterList. Implemented to speed up loading large files for only a subset of data. Returns (None, None) if no ut1 or ut1_unix filters """ if len(filterList) == 0: return((None, None)) startDT = None endDT = None for filt in filterList: if filt.mnemonic1 == 'ut1' and filt.mnemonic2 is None: if len(filt.rangeList) == 1: if not filt.rangeList[0][0] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][0]): if startDT is None: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] elif startDT < filt.rangeList[0][0]: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] if not filt.rangeList[0][1] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][1]): if endDT is None: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] elif endDT > filt.rangeList[0][1]: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] if not startDT is None: dtList = madrigal._derive.getDateFromUt(startDT)[0:6] startDT = datetime.datetime(*dtList) if not endDT is None: dtList = madrigal._derive.getDateFromUt(endDT)[0:6] endDT = datetime.datetime(*dtList) return((startDT, endDT)) elif filt.mnemonic1 == 'ut1_unix' and filt.mnemonic2 is None: if len(filt.rangeList) == 1: if not filt.rangeList[0][0] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][0]): if startDT is None: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] elif startDT < filt.rangeList[0][0]: startDT = filt.rangeList[0][0] if not filt.rangeList[0][1] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][1]): if endDT is None: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] elif endDT > filt.rangeList[0][1]: endDT = filt.rangeList[0][1] if not startDT is None: startDT = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(startDT) if not endDT is None: endDT = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(endDT) return((startDT, endDT)) return((None, None)) def _getMaxRecno(self, filterList): """_getMaxRecno is a private method that returns a the max recno if recno used as a filter. Implemented to speed up loading large files for only a subset of data. Returns None if no recno filter Inputs - filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects Returns: maxRecno, or None if no recno filter """ if len(filterList) == 0: return(None) maxRecno = None for filt in filterList: if filt.mnemonic1 == 'recno' and filt.mnemonic2 is None: if len(filt.rangeList) == 1: if not filt.rangeList[0][1] is None: if not math.isnan(filt.rangeList[0][1]): maxRecno = int(filt.rangeList[0][1]) return(maxRecno) def _getTempUncompressed(self, orgFilename): """_getTempUncompressed returns the full path to a temp version of the orgFilename where the Table Layout has been compressed. If h5repack fails, simply copies intact version to temp name """ tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir() tempFile = os.path.join(tempDir, '%i_%s' % (random.randint(0,1000000), os.path.basename(orgFilename))) cmd = 'h5repack -f Data/Table\ Layout:GZIP=0 %s %s' % (orgFilename, tempFile) try: subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(cmd)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: shutil.copy(orgFilename, tempFile) return(tempFile)
Ancestors (in MRO)
def __init__(
self, orgFilename, output, desiredParmList, filterList, indSpatialParms=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None, ignoreEmptyFile=True)
Takes the input Cedar Hdf5 file and writes modified version
Inputs: orgFilename - full path to original Cedar Hdf5 file output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects indSpatialParms - a list of lower case mnemonics to use as independent spatial parameters. If None (the default), use independent spatial parameters from original file.
(The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. (The following argument is ignored if ascii format) ignoreEmptyFile - if False, raise IOError when trying to create an Hdf5 or netCDF4 file with no records. If True (the default), then simply create 0 byte file. Ignored if output not hdf5 or netCDF4
def __init__(self, orgFilename, output, desiredParmList, filterList, indSpatialParms=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None, ignoreEmptyFile=True): """ Takes the input Cedar Hdf5 file and writes modified version Inputs: orgFilename - full path to original Cedar Hdf5 file output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics filterList - a list of 0 or more madrigal.derivation.MadrigalFilter objects indSpatialParms - a list of lower case mnemonics to use as independent spatial parameters. If None (the default), use independent spatial parameters from original file. (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. (The following argument is ignored if ascii format) ignoreEmptyFile - if False, raise IOError when trying to create an Hdf5 or netCDF4 file with no records. If True (the default), then simply create 0 byte file. Ignored if output not hdf5 or netCDF4 """ self._numRec = 1000 # sets the number of records to load from the file at once. RAM/speed tradeoff # if orgFilename more than 2 MB in size, uncompress it first to speed things up if os.path.getsize(orgFilename) > 2E6: is_tmp = True orgFilename = self._getTempUncompressed(orgFilename) else: is_tmp = False startDT, endDT = self._getStartEndTimes(filterList) maxRecno = self._getMaxRecno(filterList) # sets a value only if recno used as a filter and max value given totalRecsLoaded = self._numRec if output is not None: fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(output) if fileExtension.lower() in ('.hdf5', '.h5', '.hdf'): format = 'hdf5' tmpOutput = output elif fileExtension.lower() in ('.nc'): format = 'netCDF4' tmpOutput = fileName + '.hdf5' else: format = 'text' tmpOutput = None else: format = 'text' tmpOutput = None # this can fail if time filters too restrictive try: existingFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(orgFilename, startDatetime=startDT, endDatetime=endDT, maxRecords=self._numRec) except ValueError: if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters selected\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters - unable to create file' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() return # make sure some records loaded found = False try: oneD = existingFile.get1DParms() found = True except ValueError: while(True): result = existingFile.loadNextRecords(numRecords=self._numRec) if result[0] > 0: found = True break if result[1]: break if not found: # no records with time restriction if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters selected\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters - unable to create file' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() return # see if we need to extract any indSpatialParms or arraySplitParms from file if format in ('hdf5', 'netCDF4'): # check is this a one-D request is1D = isRequest1D(existingFile, desiredParmList) if not is1D: if indSpatialParms is None: indSpatialParms = existingFile.getIndSpatialParms() arraySplitParms = existingFile.getArraySplitParms() for parm in indSpatialParms + arraySplitParms: if parm.lower() not in desiredParmList: desiredParmList.append(parm.lower()) else: indSpatialParms = None arraySplitParms = None else: # not relevant to text files indSpatialParms = None arraySplitParms = None numRec = self._numRec madDevObj = madrigal.derivation.MadrigalDerivation(existingFile, desiredParmList, filterList, fullFilename=tmpOutput, indParms=indSpatialParms, arraySplitParms=arraySplitParms) if len(madDevObj._madDerivationPlan.underivableFilterList) > 0: if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters above\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return newFile = madDevObj.getNewCedarFile() isFirstWrite = True shouldBreak = False while (True): # output newFile in text or hdf5 if format == 'text': newFile.writeText(newFilename=output, missing=missing, assumed=assumed, knownbad=knownbad, filterList=filterList, summary=summary, showHeaders=showHeaders, selectParms=desiredParmList, append=True, firstWrite=isFirstWrite) # no need for another summary isFirstWrite = False else: newFile.dump() if shouldBreak: break numRec, isComplete = madDevObj.loadRecords(self._numRec) totalRecsLoaded += numRec if not maxRecno is None: if totalRecsLoaded > maxRecno: break if isComplete: shouldBreak = True if madDevObj.getNumRecsAccepted() == 0: if format == 'text': # add message to text file if output is not None: f = open(output, 'a') else: f = sys.stdout f.write('\nNo records were selected with the filters above\n') if output is not None: f.close() elif not ignoreEmptyFile: raise IOError, 'No records selected with input time filters' else: # create empty file f = open(output, 'w') f.close() if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return # if ascii, done if format == 'text': if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename) return else: newFile.close() # create Hdf5 array layout if needed if format == 'netCDF4': # convert from Hdf5 to netCDF4 madrigal.cedar.convertToNetCDF4(tmpOutput, output) os.remove(tmpOutput) if is_tmp: os.remove(orgFilename)
class MadCalculatorGrid
MadCalculatorGrid is the class that runs the Madrigal derivation engine when there is no pre-existing file
Called grid because it calculates points at each unique combination of input latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes. That is, number of points = len(latList) x len(lonList) x len(altList)
class MadCalculatorGrid: """MadCalculatorGrid is the class that runs the Madrigal derivation engine when there is no pre-existing file Called grid because it calculates points at each unique combination of input latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes. That is, number of points = len(latList) x len(lonList) x len(altList) """ def __init__(self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None): """__init__ runs the madCalculatorGrid engine and creates destFile without existing input file. Inputs: output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be (length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList). (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. """ # tmpFile used as input file tmpFile = madrigal.derivation.createBaseMadrigalFileGrid(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict, twoDParmDict) Isprint(tmpFile, output, desiredParmList, [], None, summary, showHeaders, missing, assumed, knownbad) try: os.remove(tmpFile) except: pass
Ancestors (in MRO)
def __init__(
self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None)
init runs the madCalculatorGrid engine and creates destFile without existing input file.
output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be (length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList). (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec.
def __init__(self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None): """__init__ runs the madCalculatorGrid engine and creates destFile without existing input file. Inputs: output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0. oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be (length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList). (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. """ # tmpFile used as input file tmpFile = madrigal.derivation.createBaseMadrigalFileGrid(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict, twoDParmDict) Isprint(tmpFile, output, desiredParmList, [], None, summary, showHeaders, missing, assumed, knownbad) try: os.remove(tmpFile) except: pass
class MadCalculatorList
MadCalculatorList is a second class that runs the Madrigal derivation engine when there is no pre-existing file
Called list because it calculates points at zip(latList, lonList, altList) That is, number of points = len(latList)
class MadCalculatorList: """MadCalculatorList is a second class that runs the Madrigal derivation engine when there is no pre-existing file Called list because it calculates points at zip(latList, lonList, altList) That is, number of points = len(latList) """ def __init__(self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None): """__init__ runs the madCalculatorList engine and creates destFile without existing input file. Inputs: output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape (len(dtList), len(latList)) (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. """ # tmpFile used as input file tmpFile = madrigal.derivation.createBaseMadrigalFileList(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict, twoDParmDict) Isprint(tmpFile, output, desiredParmList, [], None, summary, showHeaders, missing, assumed, knownbad) try: os.remove(tmpFile) except: pass
Ancestors (in MRO)
def __init__(
self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None)
init runs the madCalculatorList engine and creates destFile without existing input file.
output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape (len(dtList), len(latList)) (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec.
def __init__(self, output, desiredParmList, dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None, summary='summary', showHeaders=False, missing=None, assumed=None, knownbad=None): """__init__ runs the madCalculatorList engine and creates destFile without existing input file. Inputs: output - output filename - If None, writes text file to stdout. If given and extension is one of <.hdf5, .h5, .hdf>, then will save as Hdf5 file. If extension is .nc, will be saved as netCDF4. In all other cases, will be saved as ascii text. If hdf5 or netCDF4, arguments (header, summary, badval, assumed, and knownbad) ignored if given. desiredParmList - a list of ordered desired parameters as lower case mnemonics dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more. latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList) oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be length of dtList. twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape (len(dtList), len(latList)) (The following arguments are ignored if not ascii format) summary - type of summary line to print at top. Allowed values are: 'plain' - text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders 'html' - mnemonic names wrapped in standard javascript code to allow descriptive popups 'summary' - print overview of file and filters used. Also text only mnemonic names, but only if not showHeaders (default) None - no summary line showHeaders - if True, print header in format for each record. If False, the default, do not. missing, assumed, knownbad - how to print Cedar special values. Default is None for all, so that value printed in value in numpy table as per spec. """ # tmpFile used as input file tmpFile = madrigal.derivation.createBaseMadrigalFileList(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict, twoDParmDict) Isprint(tmpFile, output, desiredParmList, [], None, summary, showHeaders, missing, assumed, knownbad) try: os.remove(tmpFile) except: pass