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The easiest way to use the Madrigal IDL remote data access API is to simply let the web interface write the script you need for you. Just choose the Access data pull-down menu and choose Create a command to download multiple exps. Then follow the instructions, and you will have the command you need to download whatever you want from Madrigal. Be sure to select IDL as the language you want to create the command with. You can choose to download files as they are in Madrigal in either column-delimited ascii, Hdf5, or netCDF4 formats, or you can choose the parameters yourself (including derived parameters), and optionally include filters on the data you get back.
The rest of this reference page is for those who want to go beyond the automatically generated commands and write more advanced IDL applications that access Madrigal data.
The following are the methods for accessing Madrigal data remotely:
A good way to learn how to use this IDL API is to run either the Madrigal 3 example or the Madrigal 2 example. All Madrigal 2 calls also work with Madrigal 3, but Madrigal 3 has arguments not supported by Madrigal 2 sites.
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetallinstruments(madurl) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get information on all instruments with data at the Madrigal site specified ; by madUrl ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures with the following fields: ; 1. name - (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' ; 2. code - (int) Example: 30 ; 3. mnemonic - (3 char string) Example: 'mlh' ; 4. latitude - (double) Example: 45.0 ; 5. longitude (double) Example: 110.0 ; 6. altitude (double) Example: 0.015 (km) ; 7. category (string) Example: 'Incoherent scatter radars' ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetAllInstruments('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal') ; ; $Id: madgetallinstruments.pro 6227 2017-10-26 18:40:48Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madgetallinstruments, madurl
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetexperiments(madurl, instcode, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, ; endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get information on experiments for a given instrument and date range ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; instcode = int or array of ints representing instrument code(s). Special value of 0 selects all instruments. ; startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec - 6 ints representing start time ; endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec - 6 ints representing end time ; local - 0 if all sites desired, 1 (default) if only local experiments desired ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures representing experiments between the dates with the following fields: ; 1. strid (string) Example: "10000111". Uniquely identifies experiment. Can be converted to a long long. ; Not stored as a long long because that just doesn't seem to work, so user needs to convert. ; 2. url (string) Example: 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madtoc/1997/mlh/03dec97' ; Deprecated - use realUrl field instead (described below) ; 3. name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study' ; 4. siteid (int) Example: 1 ; 5. sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory' ; 6. instcode (int) Code of instrument. Example: 30 ; 7. instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' ; 8. startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec - 6 ints representing start time of experiments ; 9. endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec - 6 ints representing end time of experiments ; 10. isLocal - 1 if a local experiment, 0 if not ; 11. madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment. ; 12. pi - name of experiment PI ; 13. piemail - email of experiment PI ; 14. realUrl - real url to experiment web page ; If no experiements found, returns a Null Pointer (IDL does not allow empty arrays) ; ; Note that if the returned experiment is not local, the experiment id will be -1. This means that you ; will need to rerun madgetexperiments with the url of the ; non-local experiment (experiment.madrigalUrl). ; This is because ; while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only ; known by the individual Madrigal sites. See example_madidl.pro for an example of this ; for an example of this. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetExperiments('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', 30, 1998,1,1,0,0,0, 1998,1,31,23,59,59,1) ; ; $Id: madgetexperiments.pro 6237 2017-10-30 15:03:25Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madGetExperiments, madurl, instcode, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, $ endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetexperimentfiles(madurl, expid, getnondefault) ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns a list of all Madrigal Experiment Files for a given experiment id ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; expid - experiment id as returned by madgetexperiments ; getnondefault - an optional argument. If 1, get all files, including non-default. If 0 (the default) ; get only default files. In general, non-default files should be used with caution, and most users ; should set this argument to 0. ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures representing experiment files for that experiment with the following fields: ; 1. name (string) Example '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001' ; 2. kindat (int) Kindat code. Example: 3001 ; 3. kindatdesc (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters' ; 4. category (int) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time) ; 5. status (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description) ; 6. permission (int) 0 for public, 1 for private ; 7. expId - experiment id (int) of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in ; 8. doi - Citable URL of file ; If no experiement files found, returns a Null Pointer (IDL does not allow empty arrays) ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetExperimentFiles('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', 300041, 0) ; ; $Id: madgetexperimentfiles.pro 6230 2017-10-26 18:47:52Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madGetExperimentFiles, madurl, expId, getNonDefault
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetexperimentfileparameters(madurl, fullFilename) ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns a list of all measured and derivable parameters in file ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures representing parameters for that experiment file with the following fields: ; 1. mnemonic (string) Example 'dti' ; 2. description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)" ; 3. isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not ; 4. units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz" ; 5. isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable ; 6. category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter" ; 7. isSure (int) 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some ; 8. isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability ; only added with Madrigal 2.5) ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetExperimentFileParameters('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001') ; ; $Id: madgetexperimentfileparameters.pro 6236 2017-10-30 15:02:55Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madGetExperimentFileParameters, madurl, fullFilename
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madsimpleprint(madurl, fullFilename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation) ; ; PURPOSE: ; madSimplePrint prints the data in the given file is a simple ascii format. ; ; madSimplePrint prints only the parameters in the file, without filters or derived ; parameters. To choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or ; to filter the data, use isprint instead. ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; user_fullname - full name of user making request ; user_email - email address of user making request ; user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request ; ; OUTPUT: a structure with following fields: ; 1. parameters - an array of strings giving the mnemonics of the parameters. Equal to the number of columns in data ; 2. data - a two dimensional array of double. Number of columns = number of parameters above. Number of rows ; is the number of measurments. Note that Madrigal often contains a number a measurments at the same time ; (such as when a radar makes different range measurements at the same time), so two or more rows may have the same time. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madSimplePrint('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001', $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') ; ; $Id: madsimpleprint.pro 5419 2015-10-18 16:49:54Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madSimplePrint, madurl, fullFilename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madprint(madurl, fullFilename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, ignore_no_data, verbose, outputFile) ; ; PURPOSE: ; madPrint returns a two-dimensional array of doubles based on user-specified parmeters and filters. ; ; See madSimplePrint to print a file with all data and just those parameters in the file itself. ; ; madPrint allows you to choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or ; to filter the data. ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; parms - Comma delimited string listing requested parameters (no spaces allowed). ; filters - Space delimited string listing filters desired, as in isprint command (see ; Documentation->Administrator's Guide->Using isprint for file quick looks) ; user_fullname - full name of user making request ; user_email - email address of user making request ; user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request ; ignore_no_data - if 0 (the default), raises error if no data, If 1, ignores no data ; verbose - if 0 (the default) no printing progress information. If 1, print progress information. ; outputFile - if not '', download the results to outputFile. If outputFile has an extension ; of .h5, .hdf, or .hdf5, will download in Madrigal Hdf5 format. If it has a .nc extension, will ; download as netCDF4. Otherwise, it will download as column delimited ascii. ; Trying to save as Hdf5 or netCDF4 with a Madrigal 2 site will raise an exception ; If '' (the default) parse data into array. ; ; OUTPUT: If outputFile is '', returns a two dimensional array of doubles. Number of columns = number of parameters requested. Number of rows ; is the number of measurments. Note that Madrigal often contains a number a measurments at the same time ; (such as when a radar makes different range measurements at the same time), so two or more rows may have the same time. ; If outputFile not '', saves data into file, and returns 1. If error on server, prints error and returns -1 ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madPrint('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001', $ ; 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,ti', 'filter=gdalt,500,600 filter=ti,1900,2000' $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') ; ; $Id: madprint.pro 6242 2017-10-30 19:34:06Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madPrint, madurl, fullFilename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, ignore_no_data, $ verbose, outputFile
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; maddownloadfile, madurl, fullFilename, outputFile, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format ; ; PURPOSE: ; downloads a Madrigal file in ascii, Hdf5, or netCDF4 format to local computer ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; outputFile - path to save file locally ; user_fullname - full name of user making request ; user_email - email address of user making request ; user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request ; format - 'ascii'or 'hdf5' or 'netCDF4'. Default is ascii. netCDF4 requires Madrigal3 ; ; EXAMPLE: ; maddownloadfile, 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998/mlh/20jan98/mlh980120g.002', '/tmp/junk.hdf5', & ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', 'hdf5' ; ; $Id: maddownloadfile.pro 6229 2017-10-26 18:43:57Z brideout $ ; PRO maddownloadfile, madurl, fullFilename, outputFile, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madglobalprint, madurl, parms, output, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, startDate, endDate, ; inst, filters, kindats, expName, fileDesc, format ; ; PURPOSE ; madglobalprint is a procedure to search through the entire Madrigal database ; for appropriate data to print in ascii to a file or to files in a directory in Hdf5 or netCDF4 ; ; INPUTS: ; ; madurl - url to homepage of site to be searched (Example: ; 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/' ; ; parms - a comma delimited string listing the desired Madrigal ; parameters in mnemonic form. ; (Example: 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te'). ; Ascii space-separated data will be returned in the same ; order as given in this string. See ; http://cedar.openmadrigal.org/instMetadata/ ; "Parameter code table" for all possible parameters. ; ; output - the local file or directory name to store the resulting data. ; (Example: '/tmp/isprint.txt' or '/tmp') If a directory, a format ; may be specified, with ascii the default. ; ; user_fullname - the full user name (Example: 'Bill Rideout') ; ; user email - Example: 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu' ; ; user_affiliation - Example: 'MIT' ; ; startDate - a time in IDL Julian Date format at which to begin the search ; ; endDate - a time in IDL Julian Date format at which to end the search ; ; inst - instrument code (integer). See ; http://cedar.openmadrigal.org/instMetadata/ ; "Instrument Table" for this list. Examples: 30 for Millstone ; Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar, 80 for Sondrestrom Incoherent ; Scatter Radar ; ; Optional inputs ; ; filters - is the optional filters requested in exactly the form given in isprint ; command line (example = 'filter=gdalt,,500 filter=ti,500,1000') ; See: Documentation->Administrator's Guide->Using isprint for file quick looks for details ; ; kindats - is an optional array of kindat (kinds of data) codes to accept. ; The default is a null pointer, which will accept all kindats. ; ; expName - a case insensitive string as used by strmatch that matches the experiment ; name. Default is zero-length string, which matches all experiment names. ; ; fileDesc - a case insensitive string as used by strmatch that matches the file description. ; Default is zero-length string, which matches all file descriptions. ; ; format - 'ascii', 'hdf5', or 'netCDF4'. The default is ascii ; ; OUTPUT: Nothing. ; ; Affects: Writes results to output file or directory ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; madglobalprint, 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ ; 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te', $ ; '/tmp/isprint.txt', $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ ; julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30 ; ; $Id: madglobalprint.pro 6240 2017-10-30 17:49:40Z brideout $ ; pro madglobalprint, madurl, parms, output, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, startDate, endDate, $ inst, filters, kindats, expName, fileDesc, format
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madglobaldownload, madurl, outputDir, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, startDate, endDate, ; inst, kindats, format, expName, fileDesc ; ; PURPOSE ; madglobaldownload is a procedure to search through the entire Madrigal database ; for appropriate data files to download to outputDir ; ; INPUTS: ; ; madurl - url to homepage of site to be searched (Example: ; 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/' ; ; outputDir - the local directory to store the downloaded files in. Must exist. ; (Example: '/tmp/isprint.txt') ; ; user_fullname - the full user name (Example: 'Bill Rideout') ; ; user email - Example: 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu' ; ; user_affiliation - Example: 'MIT' ; ; startDate - a time in IDL Julian Date format at which to begin the search ; ; endDate - a time in IDL Julian Date format at which to end the search ; ; inst - instrument code (integer). See ; http://cedar.openmadrigal.org/instMetadata/ ; "Instrument Table" for this list. Examples: 30 for Millstone ; Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar, 80 for Sondrestrom Incoherent ; Scatter Radar ; ; Optional inputs ; ; kindats - is an optional array of kindat (kinds of data) codes to accept. ; The default is a null pointer, which will accept all kindats. ; ; format - ascii or hdf5 or netCDF4. Default is ascii. netCDF4 only works with Madrigal 3 or greater ; ; expName - a case insensitive string as used by strmatch that matches the experiment ; name. Default is zero-length string, which matches all experiment names. ; ; fileDesc - a case insensitive string as used by strmatch that matches the file description. ; Default is zero-length string, which matches all file descriptions. ; ; OUTPUT: Nothing. ; ; Affects: Writes downloaded files to outputDir ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; madglobaldownload, 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ ; '/tmp/downloads', $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ ; julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ ; 3410, 'hdf5' ; ; $Id: madglobaldownload.pro 6239 2017-10-30 15:23:06Z brideout $ ; pro madglobaldownload, madurl, outputDir, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, startDate, endDate, $ inst, kindats, format, expName, fileDesc
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madcalculator(madurl, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, ; startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms) ; ; PURPOSE: ; madcalculator calculates requested derived parameter for a given time and grid of spatial points ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; year, month, day, hour, min, sec - time at which to run calculation ; startLat - Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) ; endLat - Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) ; stepLat - Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (float) ; startLong - Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) ; endLong - Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) ; stepLong - Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (float) ; startAlt - Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (float) ; endAlt - Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (float) ; stepAlt - Altitude step (>= 0.1) (float) ; parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired ; ; OUTPUT: a two dimensional array of doubles. Number of columns = 3 + number of parameters requested, because the ; first three parameters are always geodetic latitude, longitude, and altitude. Number of rows ; is the number of latitudes * number of longitudes * number of altitudes. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madcalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') ; ; $Id: madcalculator.pro 6308 2017-11-13 15:10:07Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madcalculator, madurl, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, $ startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetversion(madurl) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get information on version at the Madrigal site specified ; by madUrl ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; ; OUTPUT: a list of integers giving version in descending order (eg, [2 6 4]) ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madgetversion('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal') ; ; $Id: madgetversion.pro 6238 2017-10-30 15:04:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madgetversion, madurl
; Simple example of all methods in the remote IDL interface to Madrigal version 3 (madidl) ; ; $Id: example_mad3.pro 6233 2017-10-30 14:57:12Z brideout $ PRO example_mad3 ; these are the instrument codes for the Millstone ISR. Run the function madGetAllInstruments ; to see a list of all instruments available in Madrigal instList = [30,31,32] ; run this test for Haystack siteList = ['http://cedar.openmadrigal.org' ] for i=0, n_elements(siteList)-1 do begin site = siteList[i] print, 'Testing Madrigal url ', site ; the highest level of Madrigal data is the instrument - here we get a list of all available instruments ; See madgetallinstruments.pro for a definition of the instrument structure returned in an array result = madGetAllInstruments(site) print, 'madGetAllInstruments returned', result print, "" ; the next level of Madrigal is the experiment. An experiment has only one instrument associated with ; it. In this case, we ask for all experiments in Jan 1998 for any Millstone ISR radar. sonce this ; is a standard test file, its found at both Millstone and SRI ; See madgetexperiments.pro for a definition of the experiment structure returned in an array result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 1998,1,20,0,0,0, 1998,1,21,23,59,59,1) print, 'madGetExperiments returned ', result print, "" ; next we get an array of files in that experiment. See madgetexperimentfiles.pro for a definition ; of the experimentfile structure returned in an array expId = long64(result[0].strid) result = madGetExperimentFiles(site, expid, 1) print, 'madGetExperimentFiles returned ', result ; next we want to get a list of all parameters. Note Madrigal allows access to both parameters in the file ; (called measured parameters) and parameters derivable form the measured ones (called derived parameters). ; See madgetexperimentfileparameters.pro for a definition of the parmeter structure returned in an array fullFilename = result[0].name result = madGetExperimentFileParameters(site, fullFilename) print, 'madGetExperimentFileParameters returned ', result print, "" ; the next method effectively downloads the file into an IDL 2-D array. It only downloads measured parameters ; in the file. See more advanced method madPrint to choose measured or derived parameters and/or to filter data. ; See madsimpleprint.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madSimplePrint(site, fullFilename, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') print, 'size of data returned by madSimplePrint is ', size(result.data) print, 'madSimplePrint parameters are ', result.parameters print, "" ; the next method is similar to madsimpleprint, except the user chooses which measured or derived parameters ; to download, and can filter data using the filter string as discussed in ; http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ug_commandLine.html#isprint ; See madprint.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madPrint(site, fullFilename, 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,ti', 'filter=recno,5,6 filter=ti,1000,', $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', 0, 1, '/tmp/junk.hdf5') print, 'size of data returned by madPrint is ', size(result) print, "madPrint complete" ; the next method is similar to madSimplePrint, except that it downloads the data from ; a file into a simple column delimited formated file on your local computer exampleDir = '/home/jupiter/brideout/tmp' exampleFile = FILEPATH('junk5', /TMP) print, exampleFile maddownloadfile, site, fullFilename, exampleFile, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT' print, 'file has been downloaded to ', exampleFile ; The next method is used to run the Madrigal derivation engine for any random time and array of geodetic points in space ; In other words, things such as Magnetic field and geophysicals indices can be calculated without a Madrigal file. ; See madCalculator.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madCalculator(site, 1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') print, 'madCalculator returned ', result print, "" ; The next procedure madglobalPrint allows you to get data from multiple files in a particular Madrigal datbase ; at once. Since it can return very large data sets, it writes to a file rather than an IDL array exampleFile = FILEPATH('isprint.txt', /TMP) exampleDir = '/tmp' madglobalPrint, site, 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te', $ exampleDir, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ '', [3408, 3409, 3410], '*world*', '', 'netCDF4' print, 'madglobalprint complete' ; The next procedure madglobaldownload allows you to download multiple files in a particular Madrigal datbase ; at once print, 'Using madglobaldownload to get files in ascii format' madglobaldownload, 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ exampleDir, $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ [3408, 3409, 3410] ; Next madglobaldownload is called to download Hdf5 files print, 'Using madglobaldownload to get files in hdf5 format' madglobaldownload, 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ exampleDir, $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ [3408, 3409, 3410], 'hdf5' endfor ; next Madrigal site END
; Simple example of all methods in the remote IDL interface to Madrigal (madidl) ; ; $Id: example_madidl.pro 6294 2017-11-09 16:47:31Z brideout $ PRO example_madidl ; these are the instrument codes for the Millstone ISR. Run the function madGetAllInstruments ; to see a list of all instruments available in Madrigal instList = [30,31,32] ; run this test for two different sites (Haystack and SRI), using the test files in each site siteList = ['http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', $ 'http://isr.sri.com/madrigal/' ] for i=0, n_elements(siteList)-1 do begin site = siteList[i] print, 'Testing Madrigal url ', site ; the highest level of Madrigal data is the instrument - here we get a list of all available instruments ; See madgetallinstruments.pro for a definition of the instrument structure returned in an array result = madGetAllInstruments(site) print, 'madGetAllInstruments returned', result print, "" ; the next level of Madrigal is the experiment. An experiment has only one instrument associated with ; it. In this case, we ask for all experiments in Jan 1998 for any Millstone ISR radar. sonce this ; is a standard test file, its found at both Millstone and SRI ; See madgetexperiments.pro for a definition of the experiment structure returned in an array result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 1998,1,19,0,0,0, 1998,1,20,23,59,59,1) print, 'madGetExperiments returned ', result print, "" ; next we get an array of files in that experiment. See madgetexperimentfiles.pro for a definition ; of the experimentfile structure returned in an array expId = long64(result[0].strid) result = madGetExperimentFiles(site, expid, 1) print, 'madGetExperimentFiles returned ', result print, "" ; next we want to get a list of all parameters. Note Madrigal allows access to both parameters in the file ; (called measured parameters) and parameters derivable form the measured ones (called derived parameters). ; See madgetexperimentfileparameters.pro for a definition of the parmeter structure returned in an array fullFilename = result[0].name result = madGetExperimentFileParameters(site, fullFilename) print, 'madGetExperimentFileParameters returned ', result print, "" ; the next method effectively downloads the file into an IDL 2-D array. It only downloads measured parameters ; in the file. See more advanced method madPrint to choose measured or derived parameters and/or to filter data. ; See madsimpleprint.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madSimplePrint(site, fullFilename, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') print, 'size of data returned by madSimplePrint is ', size(result.data) print, 'madSimplePrint parameters are ', result.parameters print, "" ; the next method is similar to madsimpleprint, except the user chooses which measured or derived parameters ; to download, and can filter data using the filter string as discussed in ; http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ug_commandLine.html#isprint ; See madprint.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madPrint(site, fullFilename, 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,ti', 'filter=recno,5,6 filter=ti,1000,', $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') print, 'size of data returned by madPrint is ', size(result) print, "" ; the next method is similar to madSimplePrint, except that it downloads the data from ; a file into a simple column delimited formated file on your local computer exampleDir = '/tmp' exampleFile = FILEPATH('junk5', /TMP) print, exampleFile maddownloadfile, site, fullFilename, exampleFile, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', 'hdf5' print, 'file has been downloaded to ', exampleFile ; The next method is used to run the Madrigal derivation engine for any random time and array of geodetic points in space ; In other words, things such as Magnetic field and geophysicals indices can be calculated without a Madrigal file. ; See madCalculator.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madCalculator(site, 1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') print, 'madCalculator returned ', result print, "" ; The next procedure madglobalPrint allows you to get data from multiple files in a particular Madrigal datbase ; at once. Since it can return very large data sets, it writes to a file rather than an IDL array exampleFile = FILEPATH('isprint.txt', /TMP) madglobalPrint, site, 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te', $ exampleFile, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ '', [3408, 3409, 3410], '*world*' ; The next procedure madglobaldownload allows you to download multiple files in a particular Madrigal datbase ; at once print, 'Using madglobaldownload to get files in ascii format' madglobaldownload, 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ exampleDir, $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ [3408, 3409, 3410], 'ascii' ; Next madglobaldownload is called to download Hdf5 files print, 'Using madglobaldownload to get files in hdf5 format' madglobaldownload, 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ exampleDir, $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ [3408, 3409, 3410], 'hdf5' endfor ; next Madrigal site ; an example of getting data from a site from a different Madrigal site - search for Poker Flat data from Millstone site site = 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal' instList = [61] ; Poker Flat ISR result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 2008,4,1,0,0,0, 2008,4,30,23,59,59,0) print, 'madGetExperiments returned ', result ; handle a non-local experiment if (result[0].isLocal eq 0) then begin site = result[0].madrigalUrl ; call madGetExperiments again with local url result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 2008,4,1,0,0,0, 2008,4,30,23,59,59,0) endif expId = long64(result[0].strid) result = madGetExperimentFiles(site, expid, 1) print, 'madGetExperimentFiles returned ', result print, "" END
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